Welcome to Mt Carmel Baptist Church

Mt. Carmel Baptist stands on the firm foundation of God's Word and the strength of a church family. Our mission is to "Invite, Invest, and Involve" people to further the message of the gospel.

At Mt. Carmel, you will be not only known and loved, but also challenged to grow in your faith. As you grow, you will become more aware of God's grace and will want to extend it to the people you encounter everyday.

Growth takes hard work, though, so Mt. Carmel is here to provide the encouragement that you can only find from God's Word and His family.

You're Invited!

We meet every Sunday for worship and Bible Study. We'd love to get to know you, join us for our next service!

Life Groups (Bible Study): 9:30 AM
Worship Service: 10:45 AM 

ESL: English as a Second Language

English as a Second Language
Spring Session Starts February 19
Click Box Above for more information and to Register

Experiencing God

Weekly Bible Study Series

Chili Cook-Off

First Prize Winner Kelsey Sagasser!
Click picture above to view photos

Life Forward Campaign

Women's Ministry Mission Campaign
Thank you for all your generous donations

Mt Carmel Daycare

Enrollment Now Open